Coin Dozer on the Go. Coin Dozer is simple enough to grasp, but hard to master. Coins are piled haphazardly into a machine where a piston in the back is constantly pushing at them. It doesn’t go far enough to push them over the edge at the other end, but it’s usually enough to get them teetering. Coin dozer offers free coins for the chance to win rewards. Our mission is to give everyone a risk-free opportunity for prizes.
Welcome to online RPG DarkSwords - multiplayer fantasy game!
Dark Swords is a free online role-playing game of new generation. The action takes place in a unique world which doesn't have analogues. DarkSwords combines the traditional role-playing system with innovative approach to the game process implementation, character development and social aspect. You can join the players from all parts of the world right now for free!
DarkSwords is now almost completely free to play - all personal items (creation, upgrades) are FREE
You can support your favorite game by purchasing Zenny. Also buying zenny for each purchase you will get EMERALDS, 10% from each zenny purchase.
You can enjoy almost all benefits of DarkSwords for free – except for flowers and zenny pets which need to be bought with purchased Zenny.
Happy hunting!
Zodiac rework
Zodiac region was reworked, mobs levels are increased and from zodiac boss mobs you can get item modifier +0.1. It means that now you can make all your personal items up to 1.5!
Also on the zodiac, near to the start you will find clan bar and inn.
All info can be found here
If you do not want to kill the boss, all these pots can be bought in emerald shop!
1. Mars shop prices were increased;
2. Some items price in emerald shop was decreased;
3. Orc resists were decreased;
4. Licence to kill notification was removed;
Happy New Year!
Little changes:
1. Hidden from a list can be bought by 1 emerald (lasts 15 hours);
2. From Mars you can get candy, the one who will have the more amount of candies will get the prize! New slot wins 2020 youtube. The prize is x2 token from Mars all year long!
3. As the limit of bonuses was changed to 130%, now the bonus on the emerald flower is 30%, but for mars flowers 20%. So you can use only 2 mars flowers and 1 emeralds flower or 3 emeralds flower. 3 mars flowers can not be used!
Happy New Year, guys! We want to thank you, that you were this year with us, we hope that the new year will bring you only happiness and joy!
New Year is coming!

1. This year we have a new quest in which you can get winter pets which you will have until February 1. Start the quest you can on location 1998, take it from Santa - Winter card deck and Find granddaughter. As a prize you can get 1 pet on select - Yeti (Sphinx), Snow Genie (Genie), Snow Dragon (Martimus Dragon), Snowman(Otter), Santa Reindeer (Crazy Dog) and White Bear(gives x2 relig exp). Quest have a cooldown 1 hour, also you get 50 platinum, 5 zenny, and 1 mars coin, when you open the prize!
2. Dice Event - random times, with random prizes
3. Snowballs which change avi are available in Platinum Shop
4. Discounts on Emeralds - all purchase will get an extra 30% to emeralds amount (will add during 24 hours)
5. Good old Uncle Frost's are back for the event (info here)
6. Reindeers with random prizes every 2 hours are standing on Arkijah star
7. Khortitsa is open, teleport can be bought in Artefact alchemist
8. Christmas Quest with the reward 5day bonus, which you can start also from Santa on Arkijah star
9. On the forum you can find 2 competition with good prizes!
10. Till 4 of January you can purchase the background just for 100 mars tokens!
All events will last till 8 of January
Of course, we will have server bonuses and now we can have
2 shops on one location, but the closest locations to Arkijah will be on auction, other locations will be at the normal price.
Auctions for locations closest to Arkijah will be held on discord.
Auction closes January 4
Additional changes:
1. The size of inn and clan bar is increased;
2. Orc damage is decreased by 10%;
3. Maximum bonus cap was decreased from 150% to 130%;
4. In Arkijah Scroll shop (2013) you can find Super Arkijah Teleport scroll;
5. Bonus on marriage certificate you can increase to 25%, but only by pot from the emerald shop!
We have fixed Damage Reflection. Myvegas poker. Now maximum Suppression, Absorb, and Damage Reflection is 42%.
Call of Heart now does not work if either character is in battle.
Poker Quest Results
I place - Walt Longmire x2, Mooky, Kir x2, Viriato21 x3, Hellboy jocker, MrZee, CryBaby, GOD_OF_WAR, wowreally, NixH79, Mazello, Xan bek
II place - Dozer_Live, miss elecktra, imagination, Schylla, katana backstab x3, Viriato21, Revive x2, sell it, -Vendetta-, Indecisive, Manny
III place - Zamiah, Lukyy, Hellboy jocker, Under taker, XexperimentX, Houye, -Vendetta-, she hulkster, BRAIN STORM
Thank you for participating!
What is an MMORPG?
An MMORPG, otherwise known as a Massive Multi-Player Online Role Playing game, in other words - Online RPG, is a genre of online computer role playing games (CRPG) where considerable amounts of players cooperate with each other in a virtual world (basically, in a fantasy setting). Like the majority of RPG's, the role of an invented hero is given a possibility to operate its actions by the player who created it. MMORPG's differ from one user and small network role playing games set by players in the virtual realm, which continues to exist whether you are logged on or not. The virtual world is supported by the publisher of game.
In the virtual world, players can carry out various actions that interact with one another. There are also characters in the game that are operated by the server called Non Player Characters (NPC's), that include hostile or aggressive monsters. These are called mobs. When a player is engaged in combat with the world's inhabitants and successfully destroys them, they are then rewarded with compensation and experience points. The player then can use their received experience points to perfect the skills and abilities of the hero by using the gold coins (the game currency and/or valuable items) that makes up the basis of the economy between the participants of the game. In many MMORPG's, players have the ability to form alliances in game with other members that have a variety of associations, such as guilds and/or clans which allow players to adhere to a certain policy in regards to other players' orginazations. With some games a player can either decide to remain neutral or choose the more chaotic and destructive path upon creating their characters and have the option to choose either or with their arrival into the realm - depending on a game's plot or by the players choice. There are other MMORPG's that require players to pay a fee to their publishers in order to get a users subscription and to obtain a copy of their game. Darkswords is a completely free MMORPG (Massive Multy-Player Online RPG)that can be downloaded and played without having to pay any hidden fees or subscriptions.
Players who like MUD (Multi-User Dimension) like DarkSwords too, because we are close to their favorite games.
Coin Dozer – Free Prizes
Coin Dozer brings you free carnival fun! Play the best coin pusher game today!
Dozer Coins Game
Download and play Coin Dozer, the original coin push game enjoyed by millions of people! Experience the mania of addictive top free games and coin games found at carnivals, the circus, and arcades is now available at your fingertips to collect free coins and prizes! In Coin Dozer, you drop coins, shake the board, and raise the coins wall to collect lots of puzzle pieces and prizes for bonuses and power ups to climb to higher levels! Special coins will spawn along the way to help you win; don’t let them get away! join the party and come push some carnival coins! You can play the game without wifi as well.
- Addictive 3D gameplay will keep you coming back to drop and push more coins!
- Realistic physics that mimic your favorite carnival coin pusher; don’t forget to shake the board for that extra push!
- Use the Coin Walls to collect coins, prizes, and puzzle pieces into your bin!
- Drop a Giant Coin and watch everything on the board splash forward in a frenzy!
- Lots of other Special Coins and Chips with unique abilities making free coin, prize, and puzzle collection dramatically exciting!
- Look out for the Mystery Box to drop on the board! Collect it for free prizes!
- Collect and complete all the many puzzles and prize lines for awesome rewards and game bonuses!
- All new casino themed “Chip Dozer” unlocks at level 25! A whole new world of puzzles, prizes, and a slot machine jackpot! Spin for your chance to win!
- Spin the wheel of fortune to try out your luck for jackpots and bumper rewards.
Coin Dozer App For Computer
You’ll find yourself playing Coin Dozer everywhere you go; even play without the wifi; much like other Game Circus originals like Prize Claw and Paplinko! Bring your childhood carnival home with you and have a party on your phone or tablet with the top free coin pusher game! Mania will ensue as your mission to complete all the collectibles intensifies! Head over to the casino machine to spin the slots and win the jackpot! Whatever your strategy, it all starts with downloading Coin Dozer and playing today!